KC – 1-2-1 ~ Beyond Loss Virtual Retreat
The KC 1-2-1 Beyond Loss Pathway is distinctly designed for the elite person who is ready to move beyond loss at supersonic speed.
This unrivalled pathway is for the visionary who knows deep down that there must be an easier way to create the life of their dreams and desires.
People who choose this pathway are in the prestigious position of being in the first-class rooms at the Beyond Loss Virtual Retreat. Receiving
tailored 1-2- 1 private mentoring from Karen Chaston – the premier expert on how you can move beyond all your previous loss events and start living the life of your dreams and desires.
Have you ever taken the time to get clear on what your life would be like if you could release all the baggage from the past?
Karen promises, that when you take this pathway, you will be amazed at how quickly and easily you’ll be equipped to move beyond all of your loss events and be ready to start creating your better everyday life.
So welcome aboard.